Abortion Shark is Hungreh.
The sequel should be 'Abortion Shark Is Thirsteh' and he drinks placenta or something.
Age 34, Male
Australia, Vic
Joined on 1/15/05
Abortion Shark is Hungreh.
The sequel should be 'Abortion Shark Is Thirsteh' and he drinks placenta or something.
That's just crazy enough to work.
Fucking huge Faggotry.
Alrighty then.
abortion shark is hungeh
Ah huh.
Abortion Shark is Hungreh, of course.
I sense a trend here...
I'd prefer it if you did more Doctor Who past The Season 3, but if that's not an option... Abortion Shark.
I'm not intending to make a sequel of anything. I'm just curious as to what people really think deserves a sequel so you can vote for Doctor Who if you want. I'll put down Doctor Who: The Season 2 for you.
Fucking huge faggotry, Oh, how that wonderful flash just screams SERIES.
If you say so.
No sequels! Just make new things! You work works (workworkwork) because every time it is new and unexpected! I like this concept of yours though, pretend your asking for advice when really you're trying to get me to watch your movies! Well I hope you're happy, it worked... I like a good abortion shark myself... Quite partial to one.
You sir, are too clever for this web site.
I think you should do something clever and make a movie based before the previous one so its back to front.
But ignoring everything i just said, A.S.I.H FTW!
You mean like a whole new series in which the story moves backwards with each installment ala the movie memento? It's a pretty cool idea but I don't know if I would be talented enough to pull that kind of thing off.
i liked that dr who one :3
Another for the dr who series.
Abortion Shark is Hungreh,
No doubt.
Alright then.