View Profile Sticky
Hayden @Sticky

Age 34, Male

Australia, Vic

Joined on 1/15/05

Exp Points:
18,950 / 19,580
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Vote Power:
8.29 votes
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Sticky's News

Posted by Sticky - October 24th, 2008

Both Abortion Shark is Hungreh and Fucking Huge Faggotry have been recognized in the treasure hunt contest!

Go look.

This is completely irrelevant but I'm having a really productive day today, flash wise. That flash I've been working on is actually almost a story now instead of just random pieces of animation waiting to be put in order. Shouldn't be too much longer before I actually have something made! :D

[EDIT] yayayayayay up to the voice recording stage. That's always fun until I realise how bad a voice actor I really am.

Oh and because I'm so shit with titles maybe someone here would like to throw some ideas at me for the name of this new flash. The flash involves the forgotten pokemon MISSINGNO.

Posted by Sticky - September 26th, 2008

Ok so I've had about a six month break from anything that you could even remotely call art or animation so since all my one fans are yelling at me again I guess it's time to start making...something...

It's not like I've given up it's just that this year I've found so many other things to occupy me with such as school and bloody trying to beat Pokemon. It's just animation is work and doing specialist maths tends to eat a lot of my work energy which is critical for making animation on the basis of 'fun'. At least I've been watching lots of animated movies such as Nausicaa and WALL-E. That's gotta count for animation theory right? Maybe it'll improve my terrible, terrible 'cartoons'.

Anyway; holidays now; we'll see how far this project gets.

This here is of coarse the first thing I drew after my six month break.

It's almost not quite entirely unlike work.

Posted by Sticky - September 23rd, 2008

Seriously my favorite movie from now on.

The only bad point was that I saw it the day after it came out rather than the second it was available in my region and that I haven't been back to see it a full 4 days now :(

[EDIT] Ok I just went to see it again today. I think I'm gonna be alright for another week.

/* */

Posted by Sticky - September 15th, 2008


[EDIT] Oh and did I forget to mention last week marked my 18th consecutive year of survival occupying space quadrant ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha?


Posted by Sticky - June 16th, 2008

Now if I happened to say I was planning on catching all the pokemon in Yellow Version...

And then all the pokemon in Crystal Version...

And then all the pokemon in Emerald Version...

And then all the pokemon in Platinum Version...

Without cheating...

Just for the hell of it, how would you react?

[EDIT 29/6] Just beat the Elite Four (mo leik 5) in Yellow with about 80 poke's in the dex. Slowly getting there.

[EDIT 9/7] Dex just hit 100. Also I just finished raping the Elite Four again with my newly acquired Mewtwo.

[EDIT 18/7] Almost finished now. Dex is on 147. Just need to get Electabuzz and Ekans from somewhere. Most likely Crystal.

[EDIT 6/8] Just started playing Crystal so a few more weeks and I'll be able to catch those two bastards I couldn't get for Yellow.

[EDIT 7/9] After a long break I finally did it! Now everyone can say with proof that I'll never achieve anything worthwhile in life.

Setting out on a never ending journey.

Posted by Sticky - May 26th, 2008

<blank post>

Posted by Sticky - May 15th, 2008

I beat it like I beat my wife.

Whoever can tell me what game this is from wins internet respect (Not refundable for money).

[EDIT] The game is -Cannon Blaster- you freakin' whores.

I beat the game!!

Posted by Sticky - May 6th, 2008

Because I'm out on a magical journey right now but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Leave a message.

Posted by Sticky - April 25th, 2008

I can never close this window now.

I must be pretty shit at this game. My highest combo is only 189 even though I have unlimited time.

Now all I need is a co-op buddy and I'll have all the medals.

EDIT: New combo high score 335


Posted by Sticky - April 20th, 2008

For some unexplainable reason my flash Do A Jumpstyle In The Air lost its remove button today.

That makes three submissions I have which are unremoveable but I don't understand. One flash I assume is unremoveable because of a high amount of views. The other because of a high score. But this flash has low views, low score, low votes, low favs and isn't in a collection.

It's pretty much one of my worst submissions (Stat wise) so why does Newgrounds want to keep it so bad?

Huh? I don't get it.